Hi, despite repeatedly getting error messages saying

"Error -3 while decompressing
......Md5 stuff.....
VFS: Cannot open root device "hdb5" or unknown-block(0,0)
Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)"

.. when I use  "root=/dev/hdb5" at the root prompt it still happens with
both current kernels ..
2.4.25-1 and 2.6.5 ..

I either put the expression next to the 'boot:' prompt, or following
'boot: linux.2.* .. same result.

Using the Gentoo SystemRescue disk, all filesystems look OK.

Syslog shows nothing out of the ordinary (the only FATAL refers to a
sound card some time ago),
and the boot log dates back to 2003 - not current, but has been like
that for some time.

Any ideas how I can successfully boot into my Linux drive ?
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