> I'm pretty sure that everything is setup correctly, but when 
> I try checking ports ( either 6881 or 49152) on sites uch as 
> grc.com (Shields Up) these ports are shown as blocked. I 
> don't believe tht this is correct or else Azureus would not 
> be downloading/Uploading.

Azureus can download and (I believe) upload without a forwarded port, just not 
as effectively.

> I have run Netstat to check open ports but neither 6881 or 
> 49152 show up.

Do any java processes show up when you run:
netstat -nlp --inet --inet6


If not, then Azureus isn't listening and port forwarding is a secondary concern 
(maybe it's not listening on the internet connected interface?).  If 49152 or 
6881 show up then you might try forwarding 6881 to 6881 (or 49152 to 49152 
depending on what's listening) to see if that helps.

> How can I be certain that port 6881 is forwarded to 49152 and 
> that I have no problems with NAT on my modem/router?

If Azureus is listening on 49152 and your router is forwarding 6881 to 49152 on 
that machine, then the external port tests should show a successful connection 
on 6881.

- Rog
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