Hi all,
I have recently converted a few people over to Linux, people who don't want to know or learn about any OS, but just want to use it to get their work done. The result was astounding, my opinion was that Linux was the best OS in the world, but may not be quite ready for non enthusiasts. I was wrong, after setting up all the software they need, they absolutely love it, mainly the fact that it is faster ( no anti spy/virus/ etc. stuff running), they have fewer problems with it and they just love the window manager- Gnome (sorry kde people, but I did try both and they ALL preferred gnome). Anyway, I'm quite pleased that they are using Linux (exclusively I might add) and are referring friends to me all the time, so I want to keep them happy.

A request that I got though was for a Christmas themed screen saver, I have had a bit of a look to see if there were any xscreensavers to fit the bill, but so far have come up empty handed. Does anyone know where I can find such a screen saver?

Thanks again sluggers

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