On Wed, Jan 04, 2006 at 02:40:33PM +1100, Ben Donohue wrote:
> Hence the removal of 2.3.4 which may fix the python error in zope and so 
> Plone will start working...

Uhm, really don't remove your system python.  That way lies much

I'm sure Zope would support some setting to set which python to use.
I briefly looked at the zope.org site but nothing stood out.

Even installing a later python at a custom path might be more
pain than simply upgrading to a linux distro with a more recent
python version.  

I'd suggest fedora4 especially since you're running CentOS,
but I'm sure Ubuntu would be just dandy too.
Hell, you can even get rpms of zope for fedora4!

PS. as an off topic aside, all this futzing with versions is one reason
I'm wary of interpreters in general
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