very occasionally I want to DVD a show. EG a mate wanted to see CH-10 Human 
Body Ageing that I recorded <ouch! I wonder why heh heh>

Does anybody know a good-simple way of ditching commercials.
jahashaka works, but is very complicated for the task.
gopchop does not recognise the nuv format from mythtv.
I've yet to try gopdit.
Both of the gop... look ideal, but if they wont edit .nuv then we're back to 

For anybody who wants, my nuv to dvd:
(it works: I watched the DVD)


if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "usage:$0 video.nuv dvd(.iso)"

mkfifo aud0
mkfifo vid0
mkfifo dvdmpg

mpeg2desc -s -a0 < $1 > aud0 &
mpeg2desc -s -v0 < $1 > vid0 &
mplex -f 8 -V -o dvdmpg aud0 vid0 &

dvdauthor -o $2 -f dvdmpg
dvdauthor -o $2 -T

mkisofs -dvd-video -r -o $2.iso $2

rm aud0
rm vid0
rm dvdmpg

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