
Yes, I have tried turning off my cordless phone, changing channels, placing the card and AP next to each other, piles of drivers, turning on/off/combos of the silly windows zeroconf networking service, and kicking. We've got two different laptops with wifi that work perfectly anywhere in the unit.

I'm over it, I'm really looking forward to the new machine :)
(for numerous reasons).


 - Simon

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Lithion wrote:

Could it be a problem with interference from other wireless devices such
as cordless phones, baby monitors or other wireless access points. If
so you should try using another wifi channel.


On Mon, 13 Feb 2006 05:41 pm, Simon Bowden wrote:

I'm just going to chirp in with my bad experience with this card.

While I could get it working, I think with the acx100 drivers:

I found that under both linux and windows (especially the latter), I
could not get a very consistent connection. I've mainly fiddled with
windows driver (ahem, games, etc), but having tried any I could find
(10-ish), I had the same problem with them all - the connection would
effectively drop every 15-20 seconds or so. If you use a continuous
ping, you'd get a 1.6ms ping for 14, then a 1000+ms ping for the
15th. This is really bad for gaming and any large transfer - which
means I'm lucky to get 1Mbps out of it with a strong wireless signal.

The main netgear drivers were probably the worst. I had the most
issues getting them going, and probably the better results (still
frequent dropouts) with these drivers:


Not everyone seems to have complained about my problem though. Some
comments suggest that it only happens on AMD-based systems (or some
asus m/b or some odd hardware config). Oh well, getting a new system
and gigabyte card soon.

Good Luck :)


  - Simon

On Mon, 13 Feb 2006, Howard Lowndes wrote:
I'm trying to get a Netgear WG311v2 working under ndiswrapper.

The system is FC4 with KDE and the latest kernel.

I have everything set up fine, and have the Windows XP drivers
installed in /etc/ndiswrapper/wg311v2, including all the .bin etc.

I have a /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 config file
created using the network configuration wizard in KDE.

If I run "iwlist scan" then I can see my access point and another
one in the locality in the listing.

When I try "ifup wlan0" to bring up the connection it comes back
with an error message "Determining IP information for wlan0...
failed; no link present.  Check cable?"  At this stage I have open
access to my WAP so it is not being blocked by MAC address, WEP or

Thoughts, guidance, clue...  Should I try the other Windows

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