Howard Lowndes wrote:
I'm now up to 37% pulled in but my download speed has fallen to about half of my saturation level and I currently have .56 upload ratio. It's projecting another 44 hours...

You're right. It's taking forever.

And it's going to be even slower as the word gets around
for the next couple or eight weeks. I remember Fedora Core 4 created a traffic jam for
4 weeks. But since then there are a lot more mirror sites.

The name Fedora is itched in many minds that it's like coffee we can't do without it.

I tried to start pulling ISO #2. The connection seems to take forever even just to connect.
I give up. Normally, I can pull one entire Fedora ISO CD in 4 to 5 hours.

I'll wait a week or two.

I have everything I need on Fedora Core 4 at this time.

Keep trying.

O Plameras
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