On Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 05:46:00PM +1100, Bruce Badger wrote:
> In trying to solve a problem with recording sound using the built in
> mic on my Thinkpad T21, I thought I'd give the latest "flight" of
> Ubuntu a try.
> I burned the Flight 5 Ubuntu CD and went through the install to the
> point where the CD was ejected and the system rebooted.  Everything
> seemed OK up to that point.
> When the system rebooted, I saw the graphical boot stuff with the
> messages scrolling on the brown screen under the Ubuntu logo.  Then
> the screen went blank except for a non-blinking cursor in the top left
> of the screen, then I heard the tom-tom drum sound that usually
> accompanies the opening of the logon screen ... and that's it.
> The system hung with the blank screen there and nothing else
> happening.  The system responds to pings, but does not visibly respond
> to any keyboard input (e.g. trying to select other ttys).
> Help/guidance would be much appreciated.

This probably won't help, but....

I came back to Ubuntu 5.10 to find the X-server crashed with the following
console message:

   *** If unresolved symbols were reported above, they might not
   *** be the reason for the server aborting.

Fatal server error:
Caught signal 11.  Server aborting

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
         at http://wiki.X.Org
 for help.
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional 

xinit:  connection to X server lost.
xauth:  /home/david/.Xauthority not writable, changes will be ignored

Which was repeated verbatim in the logs :(

I switched to consoles 2, 3 and then 7 (!) and then system lost contact with the
monitor completely - no screen and no way of knowing if i had keyboard.

To solve it, I ssh'd in and rebooted. It's been fine since.

I'm not sure that it helps you, but the symptoms are similar.

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