On Monday 03 April 2006 10:46, you wrote:
> > I can't see why ordinary name based virtual hosts is not applicable?
> Probably cause I believe they had said they have 2 internal
> webservers. Which means 2 possible server to redirect one static ip?
> Dont think that would work myself. Infact we all know it wont work.
> http-accel mode of squid allows squid to forward request to correct
> box for any domain request incoming from internet static ip. And it
> then means no extra ports for someone to add on end to get to a
> certain webserver on a internal box cause it has to serve on 81
> instead of default 80.
> http-accel works very well.

Fumbles for an excuse: I read the original briefly, then your reply. THEN 
thought that thats very complicated for a simple problem. Sorry! (the two 
internal servers, not two web pages, oooops)
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