Hi Grant P,

>Thankfully SLUG still exists and as far as I know hasn't got any
>significant debts so whatever's happened in the past year can't
>have been all that bad. In fact the worst that's happened is the
>SLUG server being offline for a few extended outages due to
>hardware issues which thankfully have now been sorted recently
>by removing hardware from the equation - ie it's now on a
>virtual server.

I check SLUG web site daily.

Now appears reliable.

Keep it that way.

>Having said that the membership itself has been on the decline
>in recent years and prior to tonight we had about 50 financial
>members. This has had some impact on the events SLUG has
>been able to hold because we don't have that financial buffer to
>fork out in advance for cost of putting on events. To spite this
>there have been many exceptions where individuals have decided
>to get up and run an event themselves and the committee whole
>heartedly encourages this.

What I heard from the rumour vines is that SLUG has become too
Debianized and/or Ubuntoized instead of being Linux Distribution
neutral. It is perceived SLUG is driven by self-interest. There are
many Suse, Gentoo, RH, FC, etc, users than Debian/Ubuntu.
I am Debian user myself in my hobby  and I don't like other Linux
Users devaluing  other Linux distros. The archive lists seem to
support this.

As well there's these perceptions of too much influence by few individuals
that alienates many would be members,  newbies and professionals alike.

These are perceptions I know but perceptions are becoming reality.

My 2c's.

SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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