<quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

> SuSE's everything-on-the-DVD, then online update suits me best.

You can also grab Ubuntu DVDs. :-) But, there are some things we just can't
distribute, and that pretty much covers all of the post-install stuff most
users have to do (Flash, MP3, DVD, Skype, etc).

> (naw, that's a bit harsh james, ubuntu is easier) but with 30 years unix
> and 12 years slackware, redhat my move to SuSE was much easier that my try
> of ubuntu and gentoo is just like the old days with internet not tape!

I think it *is* challenging to learn a new set of best practices when moving
from Red Hat (and related distros) to Debian (and related distros). But from
my experience in systems administration for business and telecommunications,
well worth it.

- Jeff

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