On Wed, 2006-04-05 at 17:06 +1000, Matt Palmer wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 04, 2006 at 08:22:52PM +1000, Grant Parnell wrote:
> > Ashley Maher organised a CodeFest and had an installfest. Unfortunately 
> > the Installfest didn't get the numbers for success at UOW but the point is 
> > he tried!
> Just to clarify here -- there have been three installfests at UoW that
> Ashley has organised.  The first was incredibly successful, and got a lot of
> people up and running with Linux.  The second installfest was effectively
> stillborn -- a total of one attendee (due to various unfortunate
> circumstances).  The third, which was run just a few weeks ago, was
> apparently a raging success as well (I wasn't able to attend and help out at
> that event).
> - Matt

I can vouch for the second and third installfests.

The most recent one was well attended and had few issues that couldn't
be fixed. Well done to Ashley and the others who came and helped out.

As to the second installfest. Let's just say, the student who turned up
had Ashley, Tuppa, Matt and myself at his disposal.
James Purser
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