Matt wrote:

>> > neutral. It is perceived SLUG is driven by self-interest. There are
>Self-interest (enlightened, if possible) is the best driver there is.  Pure
>selflessness isn't really in vogue any more, and I don't think it works
>really well without an external influence to keep your focused anyway.

Now, you've confirmed what bystanders have only heard as rumours.

I'm sure this thinking is'nt true of every current member of SLUG.

Members would not want SLUG to expend their resources for anyones own
self-interest. Why would they ? Makes no sense.

Members want SLUG to expend it's resources for the General Interest.
General interest means all members regardless of the colour and form of their
Linux distributions.

That's what I want if I were a member and so are the many, I heard.

>> > many Suse, Gentoo, RH, FC, etc, users than Debian/Ubuntu.
>Assuming you meant s/many/many more/ I'd say that your statement is only
>true if you take the aggregate of those distributions you mentioned.  Not
>that might makes right, but Debian people tend to be more "participative"
>(how's that for a euphemism!) in online fora, so you're naturally going to
>get more noise about that distro.

The rumour vines says this: intending members using other distros are
discouraged altogether from becoming members. The President's report was
making this plain and clear - declining membership in recent years.

The question for you to answer is how do you encourage more membership ?
Would you want persons  using other distros to become members ?

>> > As well there's these perceptions of too much influence by few individuals
>> > that alienates many would be members,  newbies and professionals alike.
>You does the work, you gets the influence.

Get everybody to work so everybody gets the influence. Don't exclude anyone
from getting to installfest. Maybe when they see alternatives they'd
have better understanding of what's Linux.

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