Basically I'm looking at two Xen server boxes, physically wide spread, each with multiple virtual servers, that I need to keep synchronised and monitored such that when a virtual server falls over then its compatriot on the other box gets transparently brought on line, or when a box itself falls over (and hence all of its virtual servers) then all of the compatriot servers take over.

O Plameras wrote:
Howard Lowndes wrote: it possible?
...what's the best way?

Do you mean by 'tandeming' is 'redundancy' and/or
location transparency and/or 'uninterrupted' file access
when one server goes down ?

Microsoft has DFS, IBM has TransArc which was
branched to OpenAFS (, CMU
has CODA, etc.

DFS use AFS, a Microsoft implementation of Kerberos.
OpenAFS use Kerberos, MIT or Heimdal implementation
of Kerberos.

My recent experiences using OpenAFS:

I have three Servers:
1. FC3
2. FC4
3. FC4

I upgraded Server 2 from FC4 to FC5 using yum recently and had to be taken
off  production.  Users continue to access their files transparent to the
upgrading event.

I can move files (technically Volumes in AFS) between servers without
the users noticing the procedures.

Along with this important features is the high level of data protection security
that goes along with  ease of use and management of the system.

Regardless of a clients location, whether in Sydney, Melbourne, New York,
San Francisco, etc, a file or files are presented to the application in exactly the same
directory or system location.

Hope this helps.

O Plameras

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