On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 17:11:22 +1000, Michael Lake uttered
> I'm trying to get correct keys into the debian keyring so that I can verify 
> packages from apt-get sources
> and I'm having some problems. The procedure below was worked out by googling 
> on the warning message from apt-get.
> Basically one needs to find some site that has a key for the missing packages 
> I presume.

> What am I doing wrong ? I have tried a few keyservers but all reply with the 
> same message.
I doubt the key in question is on the keyservers. It's located at

Don't ask about the name, elmo has a fascination with actresses.

"Why does everyone say 'Relax' when they're about to do something terrible?"
         - Ensign Harry Kim, USS Voyager
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