On Monday 24 April 2006 09:35, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi All,
> I helped a friend install Ubuntu (5.10) on her laptop this weekend,
> but couldn't get X to display in the native resolution (1280x800).
> It's using the i810 driver, and defaults back to 1024x768.
> The X output shows that it detects the panel and the correct
> resolution of it, but for all my coaxing doesn't want to display it!
> Ubuntu created a modeline for the res in the X config, doesn't seem to
> want to use it though.
> I managed to get most things working otherwise.

OK the replies you've had so far are way off track.

1) I've done it, it works, my memory is hazy ...
2) You need to get a utility the patches the bios to accept 1280x800
3) You run the utility at boot time. I did a /etc/init.d/local
4) Nothing in the XF86Config or xorg.config will help you if you do not
   fix the bios.
5) It was easy to find and implement.

I did it for a mate a year or so back. He's overseas.
Sorry to be vague :-( Google found it for me.
The problem is well known
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