Steve Kowalik wrote:
On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:18:45 +1000, Leslie Katz uttered
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ man -t lpadmin | lpr
Status Information:
connecting to 'localhost', attempt 1
cannot open connection to localhost - No such file or directory
Make sure the remote host supports the LPD protocol and accepts connections from this host and from non-privileged (>1023) ports

I think this is your problem. That looks like lpr is trying to talk to
the local LPD. I'm not sure about Damn Small Linux at all, but on
Debian/Ubuntu, there is a cupsys-bsd package which gives you a lpr
that talks to CUPS instead of LPD.

Thanks for your reply, Steve. I know now that I must've got my printer working in Fedora more by good luck than good management. I'd followed the instructions in chapter 14 of Carla Schroder's Linux Cookbook, "Printing with CUPS", which made me think that it was as simple as installing CUPS and then one more file only, a .ppd appropriate to the printer. Obviously, more can be involved, as I'm now realising.

Can I also, in this post, thank Scott Ragen for his earlier reply to my original post. It occurred to me today that I hadn't seen the digest which had included my own original post, so I browsed the list and found, not only my original post, but also Scott's reply to it. I'm trying to adopt his advice about the error log, but am having some difficulty which may be specific to DSL.

Thanks again,

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