john gibbons wrote:
Would some kind slugger please tell me what I have to type into the terminal to mount my flash drive in Fedora 4?

I though core 4 would just detect in. Have you tried plugging it in and then looking with your favourite file browser in /media/usbdisk

Does this not work??

Sorry to ask the obvious first.


Plug in your flash drive.
Open a terminal
Type "dmesg" without the quotes and press enter

About 6 or so lines up from the bottom, there should be a line starting: usb-storage: device scan complete Following that line, you should have a line that says SCSI device sd?: (the ? should be a or b or c or so on) At the end of that line should be a capacity in MB such as mine that says (65 MB), that should be the capacity of your flashdrive.

Type mount -t vfat /dev/sd? /media/usbdisk

The sd? obviously needs to match what you read in the dmesg output.

Hope this helps.

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