Hi All,

Seems my shiny new RHEL4 (update 3)[1] wont allow any of my configured 
"sudoers" to actually use sudo.  What I have is everyone in the "wheel" group 
configured to complete access to sudo with their user password.  However, 
when any of us actually run sudo, the following sequence allways occurs:
1. we are prompted for our user password
2. enter the password
3. sudo goes to 100% CPU and never returns.
4. Switch to another terminal, log in as root and "killall -TERM sudo".
5. Terminal with the attempted sudo now says that sudo was killed.

Anyone else seen this?  There's nothing in the logs (well, I haven't found 
anything, put it that way), so I'm flying blind.  Ideas??


[1] See my post from yesterday "Try THIS with M$ Operating Systems".  And for 
the record, sudo was playing up BEFORE I moved the hard drive from the build 
machine to the production machine.
So many women; so little time!

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