
I've used Linux for some years now but I've struck an issue on which I need a 
quick fix to my ignorance on - I ask of your knowledge on the following:

I have on this machine [] Mandrake 10.1 on an AMD 64 bit Athlon 3k 
cpu with .5g ram and 2 80g HDD's and typically run kde 3.2.3 as my desk top.

I have an 8 port 10/100 ethernet network switch which permits me to connect 
computers with each other, I have this machine, a Tosh A10 Satellite 
[] and a dual boot mandrake / windoesn't box [] which 
MYOB's my accounts [please tell me there is a linux replacement to MYOB].

network picture:

dialup  ------ Modem [ppp0] ----  --blue cable--[switch] 
Laptop  --------ethernet port------  --blue cable--[switch] 
accounts -----ethernet port------  --blue cable--[switch] 

 So far I am able to transfer files between the laptop and this machine, this 
is done where I share photos and the like between the laptop and this 
machine, for this I use gftp and log in to the user on the Toshiba and 
control the transfer from ie, I start gftp from, 
then specify the connection to user nick pswd xxxxxxxxx and 
push enter and I can see the contents of from, and 
can freely transfer files both ways using I would like to be 
able to do this from konqueror instead of gftp [despite its brilliance] 
because there are other [ugh] windows users who need to do the same thing 
though they do not grok any of this, gftp would be 'too hard' for them. How 
can this be done? How can it be done from [ugh] windoesn't?

All machines have an ethernet connection available and I am using the blue 
cables, can ping each computer from, but cannot necessarily ping 
from, eg, back to, it tells me the host is 
unreachable despite 'ifconfig and 2 up' on both computers - any 
ideas what I have done wrong here?

When I have the lan - ethernet - network running I seem to be precluded from 
using the internet on this machine, and I can't see this machine 
from, nor the internet connection via ppp0. I can have ppp0 
running and eth0 running but it will only see the eth0 interface. When I do 
'ifconfig' down' and then try the internet connection again I can 
see the internet and can send / receive emails.... any ideas on what I've 
done wrong with this set up? screen captures of what to do would really help 
me with this..

Sometimes I run the laptop in windoesn't for the purpose of downloading 
pictures from my LG880U camera phone [no, it won't work in linux, no drivers, 
dammit]. Any ideas on how to get around this issue? It does have a bluetooth 
so I might be able to get a bt card and do it via that.. ideas please?


Nick Tomlin.
We scare for you...
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