<quote who="Peter Rundle">

> 1. Should slug be a subscribers only list?

This question has been fiercely debated in the past. Given the increase in
UCE traffic, and the lack of updates / information from the admins on this
list (or activities), I think it's unfortunately time to make the switch.
Very sad. :-(

> 2. The originators e-mail should not be in the header of the message.

... which is slightly different from your final suggestion,

> b) "reply-to" always goes back to the whole list.

But both are wrong.

Even if you munge out the From: header, a smart SPAM harvester will still be
able to acquire your email address. Look at all the headers in any mail from
this list. For this approach to have any value, almost all the identifying
headers would have to be stripped, making identification of the poster kinda
challenging (apart from those who have obvious signatures). Participation in
a list like that would be fun as a social experiment or research project but
terrible for building and maintaining a vibrant community. No thanks!

The reply-to munging stuff we've covered so many times on the list it's not
funny. Let's not even bother going there again. Anyone interested in the old
debates can read them in the archives (which, unfortunately, have addresses
stripped - we did this a long time ago, to aid SPAM harvesting prevention).


- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la GeltrĂș, Spain            http://2006.guadec.org/
    Markets are what you sell bubbly health drinks, fluorescent blow up
                furniture and mobile phone ring melodies to.
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