Here are some events which I thought may appeal to SLUG members (it
would be great if they could appear in the SLUG calendar :-)):

** The OpenSkills social evening will be held this Wednesday evening
at the Cohi Bar from 18:30.  It's a chance to network, get your key
signed and to get OpenSkills to do the things you need it to do.  It's
also the last chance to pick up a 2006 DevCon pin!  The social evening
follows the committee meeting (the link has more details of the

** There will be a Sydney Smalltalk User Group meeting this Friday at
the ACS NSW offices in Sydney.  The easiest place to get all the
details is on the speakers blog:

** There will be an ACS FOSS SIG meeting next Thursday (the 29th) by
Del Elson about the Fedora directory services.  No charge for coming
along (I mention this only because some ACS SIG *do* charge
non-members) .  Details on the ACS NSW site:

All the best,
Make the most of your skills - with OpenSkills
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