On Tue, 13 Jun 2006 21:17:58 +1000, Richard Neal wrote:

> I used to have a HP LaserJet 6L.
> Its works fine with cups accept once it totally failed.
> When you print the data light would flash on the printer then "nothing".
> The fault in the end was nothing to do with cups it was a "corrupted font"
> making Ghostscript choke.
> Theres a simple method of testing ghostscript to see if a font is causing
> a problem.
> 1. Open a Browser pick any web page (nothing too complex) print to file ie
> print to a postcript file not a pdf, call the file lest say test.ps, you
> can do this within Firefox or Konqueror.
> 2. cd  /path/to/file then type gs test.ps
> If ghostscript has a problem it will now spit out an error.
Yes, yes! Aha at at last the light at the end of the tunnel.

I had compiled ghostscript-8.51 so I could compile lilypond and its
documentation. I'd say this is the problem. Now, how to fix this mess
up. Do I get rid of ghostscript which is in usr/local/? or try to get
uncorrupted fonts?

Anyway thank you for pointing me in the right direction.


> On Tue, 2006-06-13
at 10:27 +1000, Shelagh Manton wrote: [snip]
> Regards
> Richard Neal
> Real Men don't make backups.  They upload it via ftp and let the world
> mirror it.
>         -- Linus Torvalds

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