On Wed, Jun 14, 2006 at 03:42:08PM +1000, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with, and can recommend, document management
> systems?
> We have a need for something that we can stick PDFs, Word docs, and other
> (binary or XML) formats in.  It also needs to have some access controls,
> because the kinds of documents that will go in will include HR material,
> accounting data, and other stuff that you don't want easily accessible to
> groups that don't need access.
> Ideally also the ability to add metadata to the document, to aid searching.
> A web-based tool would be ideal, too.
> Version control of the documents not essential.
> Free software solutions preferred ;-)

It's hardly ideal, but MoinMoin wikis can have attachments and ACLs, and even
versions pages (not sure about attachments, though).  Probably not what you're
after, but superficially it would more-or-less meet requirements :)


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