Gottfried Szing wrote:

i hope someone has an solution. i am traveling a lot and i also have many workplaces, because usually i have more than one contract a time. this means, that i have
* a desktop at home (linux)
* a laptop (ie powerbook) for meetings and journeys
* a desktop (linux or win xp) at each workplace and
* a server with full access and internet access with linux on it.

note: usually i have full access to the computers (admin, root) and the connection to my server is limited to SSH/HTTP/IMAPS.

what i am looking for is an easy way to sync the most important files between this computers (about 500 MB) and optionally to make them accessible via a web-interface (just in case that i cannot sync the disks, eg internetcafe).

my first approach was subversion. this worked as long as i don't the explorer/finder/...-stuff to move and create directories with a file manager. because moving a directory with a file manager also copies the hidden .svn-dir which caused my a lot of troubles and confusion in the svn-repository.

second approach: rsync. this was nice, but there is the problem, that i have to install rsync and ssh onto the computers. ok, this is most of the time possible, but the it was unhandy to call rsync each time (command line params, ...).

third approach: - this seemed to be the right solution (shared folders on the internet), but: it requires mono/.net. and i don't assume that mone for linux/mac is stable enough, i am not going to use it.

so, now i have reached the end of the road. i have no idea where to look for a solution or how a solution could look like. i hope that there is a solution for this scenario *crossing fingers*

O Plameras
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