<quote who="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

>         Suse                                  Ubuntu

> Easy for complex server                       Hard for complex server
>                                       eg Firewall, MASQ, tun setup & routing

So, I would not describe these as 'complex server' tasks. These are basic
network things for which Debian/Ubuntu don't provide an *enormous* amount of
built-in clicky-clicky (CLI or GUI, helper tools are still clicky-clicky).

On the other hand, for a truly complex server infrastructure, I would not
choose anything but Debian/Ubuntu. I have been doing some Red Hat admin
again recently, and every task reminds me how much easier life is on Debian
and Ubuntu. Partly, this is because Red Hat chose to marginalise RHEL by
making it available only to enterprise-paying customers, so the community
around RHEL is *significantly* smaller than the communities around Fedora,
Debian and Ubuntu.

For things like mail server systems, web servers and so on, I would choose
the Debian/Ubuntu world without worry.

> Sysadmin works, is easy, is nice      Sysadmin patchy, some works, some does 
> not
>                                       eg system -> administration -> services
>                                       see tricks later: update-rc.d

I'm surprised you'd say 'patchy' about a distro that is essentially made by
sysadmins, for sysadmins. That has been a delight for me about Debian since
I first started using it. When you say 'tricks', I think you mean "things
that are different and/or that I'm not used to because I don't have as much
experience on this platform". How different, really, is update-rc.d to, say,
chkconfig? They're both obtuse command line programs.

> RPM is usually easy and lots of info  apt-get is very easy
> is available about installed          not detailed info about packages
> packages, changed packages,           eg apt-get install kubuntu-desktop adds 
> 800M
> contents of packaghes                    apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop  dels 
> 40K !!

Others have answered about apt-get vs. aptitude/synaptic/etc, but... Info
about packages is lacking in Debian/Ubuntu? Dude, this is the platform that
*drove* modern package management demands. What info are you missing? I'm
pretty sure this comes down to "I'm familiar with the rpm commands, but not
familiar with the apt/dpkg commands" - same as above.

> multimedia possible                   multimedia easy - easyubuntu
> KDE Very clear and obvious    Gnome Full of undocumented (obviously) tricks


- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
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    the result of an accident with a particle accelerator and a goat: it
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