This one time, at band camp, Peter Miller wrote:
>On Wed, 2006-08-09 at 11:22 +1000, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 08:14:40AM +1000, Peter Miller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
>> wrote:
>> > Is there any elegant way to have a laptop DHCP client have its sendmail
>> > configured properly?  In all the cases I have to deal with, my laptop is
>> > a DHCP client is behind a NAT firewall.
>> in
>> then do a make in /etc/mail and restart sendmail
>I'm not getting it, this morning.
>In my case, the value of YOUR_ISP_UPSTREAM_MAILSERVER depends on which
>firewall I'm behind, since all the ISPs in question gate client
>connections as being from their own customers' IP addresses, not the
>whole Internet.  So one size definitely doesn't fit all.
>Are you suggesting I need to edit every time I boot the
>machine?  Is there a way to automagically have the DHCP client daemon
>run a script to do it, instead?  Has this already been done, in a Debian
>package?  How does the script get the right value for

I've got two more, different, non-solutions to your problem:

 1. if you have control over this, set up a smarthost within each of these
NATted networks, which relays to the proper ISP smarthost for tht network,
and call them 'mail', then your laptop only needs to send to mail, and it'd
"just work".  (Debian's ifup scripts restart postfix to ensure the cached IP
doesn't stop this from working.)

 2. find someone who can host a SMTP AUTH outbound on port 993 (SMTP+SSL)
which probably won't get blocked by any of your ISPs outbound.
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