Its rather easy to say 'there is heaps of spam getting through'
without actually being able to compare with how much *isnt*
getting through.

I believe having subscriber only access has been discussed and
rejected before. My 2c says go subscriber only, and have the
team of moderators occasionaly check the lists and let through
anything pertinent.

Good work to list admins though, i realise that [EMAIL PROTECTED]
must get *hammered* with spam.


On Thu, August 17, 2006 11:11 am, Benno wrote:
> On Thu Aug 17, 2006 at 10:54:28 +1000, Christopher Martin wrote:
>>Seems a bit lame for a technical list like this to get spam...
>>If you need any advice I just succeeded in removing spam from our
>>organisation recently, and I am happy to help.
> Please read the FAQ ;) ok, you can't because the FAQ is basically FUBAR.
> The FAQ used to say something along the lines of: the list admin
> is running spamassassin, sapmbayes etc. It catches > 99% of spam that
> gets sent to this list.
> The admins usually tweak settings when they see more spam acutally getting
> through.
> Cheers,
> Benno
> --
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