Sonia Hamilton wrote:
* On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 05:30:15PM +1000, Felix Sheldon wrote:
You probably know about the gnome-save-session command, but I thought I
might as well mention it.

Will try that.

* On Sat, Aug 26, 2006 at 05:50:45PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
Which apps in particular? Unfortunately, due to the way that old-school

currently stands - in the UI because so few apps actually support the
old-school X session stuff. Firefox is the biggest example here, being one

Well, now not even Gnome Terminal - starts up, but not at the same size
it was.  I know about Firefox, etc - sort of had pious hopes that one
day it'd be sorted out :)

A possible solution would be to start up some apps at logon from Startup
Programs, and set their screen size/position. But I notice under Gnome
the window manager doesn't allow specifying a _Desktop_ to display
things on. Is there a window manager that allows you to do this? How
would I use a different window manager with Gnome?
I use metacity and have installed and configured devilspie which adds exactly this capability (and one or two more) to metacity.

eg for firefox the config looks like this:

 (matches (window_name) "Firefox")
       (set_workspace 2)

I then only need add devilspie as a start up program using the sessions dialog. It may not be for you, I don't know, but I rather like it.

All the best,

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