On Sat, Oct 07, 2006 at 10:57:08AM +1000, Jamshid Karimi wrote:
> Hi
> Could someone please suggest an isp which supports
> linux for wireless internet?
> Regards
> Jamshid

By wireless internet, do you mean roaming wireless. Similar to Unwired?
They're modem (well the one I have) just has a straight ethernet plug,
no other setup. Works fine with everything. Except I don't recommend
unwired or any of their resellers as they're plans are poor, service is
pretty crap, download speed drops to 32/32 when past the limit (which
was changed a month ago WITHOUT informing customers) and they throttle
certain types of traffic. For example, trying to update my Debian sid
box resulted in them completely blocking any FTP to ftp.debian.org for a
couple of hours.

Maybe look into iBurst? Although they may be just as bad.

Byron Hillis
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