On Wednesday 11 October 2006 23:40, Jon Wilson wrote:
> Anyone use a USB digital TV device with any success?
I have a MythTV setup with two DVB-T cards: A TwinHaun and Avermedia 
card. Both are BT878 based. But they have different tuner chips. From 
what I have read and experienced the TwinHaun card tuner is much worst 
that the Avermedia tuner. But this is not a problem for me because both 
have mostly flawless picture even though the TwinHaun has 30% reception 
quality (as shown by MythTV) and Avermedia has 97%. My Avermedia card 
is giving me more problems because it has a bad antennae connection so 
sometimes I have a recording that is trashed and the TwinHaun card has 
a better antennae connection. 
> I'm looking for something that (a) works with a Linux MythTV setup
> (for a PVR) and (b) can be plugged into my Mac for simple portable
> Ashes watching action this summer (not much else worth watching
> ....).
> The Compro U500's seem sensibly priced ($99), but I'm unsure about
> what chipset they have in them.
Maybe you can convince your computer retailer to give you a trial. I did 
this with a card I bought and got a refund. As long as you ask before 
hand and the product is not shrink wrapped you may be able to return it 
or exchange it. 

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