On Tue, 2006-11-07 at 10:39 +1100, Robert Thorsby wrote:
> I was always under the impression that mathematics cannot be patented. 
> If the algorithm is mathematics then the patent is invalid (even if it 
> has been "granted" and has patent numbers etc etc). Therefore, clause 7 
> of the GPL is not infringed.
> In other words, "Distribute and be Damned!"
> Robert Thorsby

As I understand it, the patents are on methods rather than specific
algorithms. As such you get such gems as "One click shopping" and so on.

Whether you consider these patents as valid or not, it is going to
present an interesting problem for Novell if someone decides to enforce
clause 7.
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Open Source On The Air
A LocalFOSS Production
irc: #localfoss on irc.freenode.net

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