On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 05:30:07 +1100, O Plameras wrote:

> NATting is used to route Private Network(RFC1918) <-> Public
> Network(Internet).

Not necessarily.  NAT is Network Address Translation.  Any network. 
There's no reason why you can't use NAT in private networks, and in some
situations it makes sense to do so.

Do you have a wireless AP on a private network?  If so, you're probably
doing exactly what you've just said is silly.

> And so,  it's silly to use NATting in this situation.

No it's not.  You can solve the original problem with or without NAT,
but without knowing more about the original poster's requirements, you
can't say whether it's better to use NAT or not in this case.


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