On 1/5/07, david <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've got a line of site between AP and laptop in buildings about 150
metres apart. Even when I tried dangling my lappie out the window I got
no joy :(   Even if that had worked, it would have been tricky holding
my T30 in one hand 3 stories up while typing with the other. [1]

I've checked google... lots of advice about using woks and steamers as
parabolic reflectors for USB wifi's [2], and even some custom made
It doesn't seem such a long range. Any suggestions?

I was looking at doing some long range WiFi a while back, but didn't
end up sorting it out.

Here's a summary of the info I found.

There's a few long range wireless clubs in Australia:

this one isn't listed on that site though:

They recommended the Mitsubishi R100 (Asus wl500g rebadged), from
Deals Direct, who are out of stock, but will have them for just $60
including shipping when they get more, which is cheaper than what I
http://tinyurl.com/yeolx8 (Deals Direct Mitsubishi R100)

The stock antennas don't have a great range, even when the power is
increased, so you'd probably want to get something better for more

Freenet Antennas has the best gear from what I saw, and they have some
forums and other good info too and are apparently all techs (no sales
staff) from what they said when I emailed them a while back:
(they sell gear capable of up to 17Km, but also cheaper upgrades).

The new UltraWAPs have an GPL source available from the manufacturer:

see which version is correct here: http://tinyurl.com/ycbru3 (Freenet
Antennas forums)


Or you can try to do things on the cheap:
Details of the pringles tin and other methods, along with some stats.

Good for those trying to lose weight too:
"On Golden Circle Pineapple Juice cans you should drill at FAT
(between PROTEIN and CARBOHYDRATE) on the nutrition table."

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