you could always run vmware server on a powerful box and have a few machines on that. A machine running just authentication should not hit the machine very hard and it's using a maching you have on anyway.
Also vmware server is free.
(recently i've done just this.)

Greg Wright wrote:
Hi All,

Sorry I do not post much, but I do have a question that I would like to ask

I have used a mixed network for my own use for years, primarily I always
had Linux doing the grunt work for web services & serving, but I also
always had windows boxes, the problem is, as the network grows or as I
replaced PC's, I always kept the old boxes on the network, needless to say
a while ago I started looking for ways to save power & space and reduce
heat build up - my work area was like a sauna at one point :)

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I still need a box to do authentication and to
act as a domain controller, but I would rather use a cheap dislkless device
that sleeps when not called upon, does anyone know of a device like this ?
or if I must use a PC, is there a CD or say USB key Linux distro that can
be cut down to just Samba ?

I have a couple of Nettel ne2520 embedded devices if somone wants to hack
one to do what I want, they can have the other.

Thanks in advance.

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