Hey Peter,

sounds like you want

tail -F log
tail --follow=name --retry log

never used the max-unchanged-stats argument though - maybe it's used to
delay the retry? wtf is an iteration in tail anyway? 5 poll's on the file?!

On 1/15/07, Peter Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a script that uses `tail -f --max-unchanged-stats=5` to follow a
log file. The way I read the man page, --max-unchanged-stats will cause
tail to close and reopen the given file if it hasn't changed after 5
iterations. But after logrotate rotates the logfile, tail keeps watching
the old file, and doesn't seem to open the new one. So:

- Am I missing something here? The man page doesn't mention any, but is
there I signal I can throw tail that'll make it reopen its file?
- Is there a better way, short of application-specific trickery, to keep
an eye on a log file? I'm considering having syslog log to a named pipe
as well and have my script read from that. But I'd like to hear other
suggestions for feeding a shell script from a system log.


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