On Sat, Jan 20, 2007 at 09:45:02PM +0900, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> This is driving me up the wossname wall. Any suggestions? Was true for dapper 
> and is true for edgy:
> I don't like and won't use the default partitioning. On most of my systems it 
> will be (1) 10G /, (2) 1G swap, (3) rest /home
> To re-install a different distro etc just blot out /.
> Boot CD. Choose install. Manually partition.
> [Forward]
> /\ Warning No root partition. Stuck here.
> --
> Any blind toad on a rainy day can read: /   /dev/hda1
> Any 'cheats' to say proceed anyway?
> So far my only solution has been multiple tries, sometimes making entries
> /home /dev/hda3
> swap  /dev/hda2
> /     /dev/hda1
> or swapping the order hda1, hda2, hda3
> some times deleting hda1 then re-creating it works. 
> Typical install 30min + 45min fart-arsing around to NOT get 'no root 
> partition'.
> Of course, he bemoaned glumly, you let the installer choose partitions 
> automatically and all is well except the /home you were trying to keep is 
> toast.
> James

I haven't done a dappy or edgy but I would suggest that even though youhave
labeled the partitions, when you go into the installer you need to tell the
install what each partition is for.

Not answering the question, but why not setup LVM, say 100M /boot and the rest
on lvm 

> -- 
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