On 21 Jan, To: Sydney Linux Users Group wrote:
Any advice would be most welcome.

What I've done is copied the / filesystem onto a directory under my home
directory, and then I'll re-install from CD.  At least that way I can
compare configuration files that I've done against the default ones.

I'm currently tossing up though installing a different distro after this
disastrous experience with Debian/Ubuntu's upgrade system.  The whole
reason for trying it was the idea that it's upgrade system was good.

apt on FC5 or SuSE 10 might be a better choice, I'm thinking.

With Fedora, the natural tool used to install, or update (upgrade) is 'yum'. From Fedora Core 3, I never have to re-install, or upgrade from CD; just update
from the internet  to Fedora C4, C5,  or  C6.

And the process is similar for all Fedora. For example from FC3 to FC4, I do:

1. rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/RPM/fedora-release-4-X.fc4.rpm
2. yum -y install kernel
3. reboot to new kernel
4. yum -y update

Before doing the above, ensure that in /etc/yum.repos.d/, only the following are enabled:
1. fedora-core.repo
2. fedora-extras.repo
3. fedora-updates.repo (I think you may also disable this)

The rest should be disabled for the duration of the upgrades.
For example, atrmps.repo, livna.repo, dag.repo, dries.repo, freshrpms.repo, kde-redhat.repo, etc.
should all be disabled. Restore after upgrading is completed and do this:
1. yum -y update

When upgrading from FC3 to FC6, do upgrade step-by-step, namely:
1. FC3 to FC4
2. then, FC4 to FC5
3. and finally, FC5 to FC6.
4. For backward compatibility, always install the 'compats' for your

Hope this helps.

O Plameras

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