I just saw that too, take anything that fool says with a grain of salt ;)

Just look what the say guy said about the Parallels on OSX sometime
ago, absolutely an idiot.


On 1/29/07, Howard Lowndes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've just watched a preview of Vista on the Seven Sunrise program and
all I can say is: Wow!!

I get a new looking desktop with pretty, scrolling preview panes of the
processes that are running.

I can organise my photos - wasn't I able to do that before?

I can organise my music and I can download the CD covers so that it all
looks like a record store.  Didn't anyone think to ask about DRM?

...and it's all available at Hardly Normal's at midnight.

One question was whether it's reliable - well it has been out there with
5M users in test - I'm one who downloaded a pre-RC1 and found that it
wouldn't load in VMware.

So, get to Hardly Normal at midnight and shell out your $199 for the
upgrade - what version upgrade is that?  ...and keep a spare grand or so
handy when you find it won't run on your current hardware.

OK, Seven Sunrise is light on anyway, but this is ridiculous...

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