Hi All,

This email is an announcement of the 2007 SLUG AGM. The following
information will be posted on the SLUG website at

The page will also be updated with a list of candidates by the
committee as regularly as possible.

= SLUG Committee Election 2007 =

The election of the 2007-2008 SLUG Committee will be held on the 30th
of March 2007.

Time: 19.00 - 20.00
Location: Level 13, IBM Building, 601 Pacific Highway, St. Leonards

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting will be:

1.President's report 2006-2007
2.Treasurer's report 2006-2007
3.General Business
4.Election of 2007-2008 SLUG Committee

You can find a copy of the SLUG constitution at

== Memberships Due ==

Membership is $25 per annum, and $15 for full-time students,
healthcare and pension card holders with proof of id.

All 2006-2007 SLUG financial memberships expire at the AGM. If you
want to participate in the election, you will need to pay for
2007-2008 SLUG membership either before or at the AGM.

Membership can be paid for in person to the Treasurer, Ken Wilson, or
by cheque to the following postal address:

Sydney Linux Users Group
PO Box Q811 QVB
NSW 1230

If paying by cheque, please clearly note that your cheque is for
2007-2008 SLUG membership, and provide your full name, postal address
and email address.

It is your responsibility as a member to keep us updated with a
current email address and a postal address in order to be notified of
special meetings such as the AGM or GMs.

== Nominating ==

To nominate yourself or someone else, send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The email subject must have the word "nomination" in
it to be officially recognised as a nomination.

Self nominating candidates can also make a 300 word (strict limit)
statement about themselves.

All nominations must be seconded to be valid. The candidate, the
nominator and the seconder must all be 2006-2007 financial members.

== General committee responsibilities ==

Committee members are expected to be active in either endorsing or
organising SLUG events or organising behind-the-scenes stuff (money,
venues, delegation, volunteer herding) for SLUG. They should be
prepared to attend most monthly meetings and some SLUG events.

Committee members are also expected to attend monthly meetings of the
committee lasting around one to two hours, and be familiar with the
issues to be decided at the meetings.

Committee members must join the activities and committee mailing lists
and keep reasonably up-to-date with them.

If you're under the age of 18 and want to be part of the committee,
you can nominate or be nominated for Ordinary Committee Member
positions. Since SLUG is an incorporated association, office bearers
(the executive committee) must be 18 years of age or older at the time
of their election.

== Committee positions ==

The president usually chairs the committee meetings and takes ultimate
responsibility for keeping SLUG sailing along. The president also
normally is the "face of SLUG", representing SLUG to the press and to
other groups. The president gives a yearly report to the membership.

The VP assists the president, assuming the president's role where necessary.

The secretary handles the bulk of SLUG's correspondence. The secretary
takes minutes at the monthly committee meetings and makes them
available to the SLUG membership.

The treasurer handles the SLUG accounts, balances the books, and
records all income and expenditure. The treasurer gives a yearly
report to the membership.

Ordinary Committee Member (x3 positions)
The ordinary committee members make up the remainder of the committee.
They contribute ideas and keep the rest in check when it comes to
decision making.

In addition to the executive's tasks listed above, the committee and others:
* organise SLUG monthly meetings
* organise SLUG events
* maintain the SLUG website and infrastructure
* administer the SLUG mailing lists.

All activities are coordinated on the activities list, and interested
people should subscribe to keep abreast of what's happening.

== Voting at the AGM ==

Only 2007-2008 members may vote at the AGM.

This year Mary Gardiner has offered to be the returning officer, and will be
asked to conduct the voting portion of the meeting in accordance with the

The public may attend but not vote.

To cast your vote we will require you to hold up your membership card
or whoever you are acting on behalf of.

You may only vote once for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.

For the 3 ordinary positions we will call for votes for each nominee
in turn. You may vote for up to any 3 of the nominees and the 3 with
the most votes will be elected as General Committee Members.

== Proxies ==

If you want to vote, please email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the name
of a proxy. If you can't organise a proxy, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and we will arrange for one of the 2006-2007 committee members will
hold your proxy vote. Your email must be digitally signed for it to be
accepted as a valid proxy notification.

If you are standing for a position and cannot make it to the AGM,
email [EMAIL PROTECTED] and one of the 2006-2007 committee members
will make a statement for you.

== Outgoing Committee ==

The 2006-2007 committee were:

Lindsay Holmwood

Silvia Pfeiffer

Matt Moor

Ken Wilson

Ordinary Committee Members
Jeremy Apthorp
Chris Deigan
James Dumay

Honorary Members

Matt Moor, 2006-2007 Secretary
Lindsay Holmwood, 2006-2007 President
SLUG - Sydney Linux User's Group Mailing List - http://slug.org.au/
Subscription info and FAQs: http://slug.org.au/faq/mailinglists.html

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