This one time, at band camp, Heracles wrote:

> I have a small but annoying problem. I installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my
> daughter's machine (Celeron 1.7 G, 768Mb DDR333, 256Mb nVidia 6200
> Compaq S720 screen) and all works OK except when she is on the net with
> Firefox it stalls from time to time. It never did this to her under XP
> so I don't see why it should do it under Linux. The only difference I
> can see is that X chose 1280x1024 as the native resolution.

I've had weird pauses and lockups using the Skype Linux client (which I 
sadly have to use to talk to work people).

> Note, she has two browser windows and amsn running. This is the same for
> both systems.

What client for MSN?  I presume there's no "official" client for Linux.

Also, pauses like this can sometimes indicate a cooling problem.  Check 
that the CPU fan is working.

Rev Simon Rumble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The Tourist Engineer
Nerds need vacations too.

"I went to bed last night and my moral code got jammed,
 I woke up this morning with a frapaccino in my hand."
 - Nick Cave's day gets off to a bad start in Abbatoir Blues
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