people love flash based video, youtube is like crack


Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
Dean Hamstead wrote:

some may be happy to note that in the FAQ w3c standards compliance is mentioned, ie, safari and ff are listed as should work perfectly. lynx even gets a mention

quicktime, miro and vlc are mentioned as possible media players

so there is a win for standards and open source.

Not quite...

What software do I need to view the video clips?

The clips embedded in the web pages require Adobe Flash Player version 7 or

The downloadable clips are provided at a higher quality,
and use a newer format called H.264 Mpeg 4.

While, there is a Free Flash Player available for Linux - I don't think it
is open source.

With regard to MPEG4 and H.264 see
If operating and/or shipping a product in a country or group of countries where none of the patents covering H.264 apply, then using, for example, an LGPL implementation of the codec is not a problem:

But ofcourse providing online free access to the content is a great leap forward...<>

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