Hi All,

I'm possibly looking at paying someone to set up a small network/domain/DNS/mail/file/firewall/ftp/http/router/whatever else server for my small home office network.

I already have one set up as most of the above, but I've hacked my way through that and would like a clean install and to rejig some settings. I know enough to know where to look and how to read, but don't really have the extra time that would be required if I were to do it myself.

What I am looking for would be someone sufficiently knowledgeable who knows where to go, what to look for, what to install and how to configure it without hacking about. I have my own ideas on the config, but am willing to listen to expertise.

The machine I want would be configured with/as;

Domain Server - I want XP boxes to logon to a network and have relevant access rights. DNS Server - Global Cacheing, but also needs to serve local names and receive updates from clients File Server - So the windows boxes can read/write transparently to mapped network drives (just like MS) Mail Server - Postfix, Dovecot, Amavisd-new, ClamAV, Squirrelmail - using secure mail connections
Firewall - IPTables  - I have a config I like and understand
HTTP Server - Apache with mod_ssl, mod_jk
FTP Server - currently vsftpd - seems to work fine.
NNTP Server - Server for LAN clients
Kernel - must be able to read/write NTFS
LVM - Must be able to extend/etc. partitions.
MySQL - small database set up runs on it

Harden the box with appropriate sysctl.conf params
Box must be updateable via Yum

OS - CentOS

Probably a bunch of other things likely to pop up on investigation of the current box. And anything you can suggest.

The config files on my present box would all be available for use upon review, so that would likely minimise a lot of the work. But as mentioned above, I don't profess to completely understanding everything I've configured and whether or not they are the best options for those specific programs. Some may be well underdone and others likely well overbloated.

Are you interested and how much do you want to do it?

Kind Regards


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