Slightly OT, but I'll give it a shot... I use screen for flicking
between multiple terminals, but when I connect to a Sun box and run
something like vi, I get this message:

> uname -a
SunOS fubar 5.8 Generic_108528-23 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-60
> vi foo
screen: Unknown terminal type
I don't know what kind of terminal you are on - all I have is 'screen'.
[Using open mode]

I think that the problem is that a TERM of type 'screen' isn't listed in
/etc/termcap on the Sun box, but how do I solve it? Copy the terminfo
from a Linux box up to the Sun box? Set TERM to something else when on
the Sun box (and if so, to what?).

I've tried googling, but I'm not getting anywhere - thanks for any

Sonia Hamilton

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