On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 11:51:58AM +1100, Voytek Eymont wrote:
> I'm trying to install a ruby on rails application;
> I need ruby, gems and the like
> the Centos system had ruby installed in /usr/bin
> the original ruby was too back level;
> I've installed new ruby source and installed 'as is' (defaulted to
> /usr/local/bin)
> I've deinstalled original with rpm -e ruby
> however, 'default search path' still keep looking for '/usr/bin/ruby'
> # whereis ruby
> ruby: /usr/lib/ruby /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/lib/ruby
> # ruby --version
> bash: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory

You hit a feature of bash here; it's has remembered where
ruby used to be. The clue is in that bash has reported
the full path (/usr/bin/ruby) as not being found.
The fix is to type 'hash -r'


    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # hash
    hits    command
    1    /usr/bin/tty
    3    /bin/mv
    1    /usr/bin/yum
    2    /usr/bin/ruby
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # mv /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/ruby-
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # ruby
    bash: /usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # hash -r
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # hash
    hash: hash table empty
    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~] # ruby
    bash: ruby: command not found

So it could be a false alarm.

> # /usr/local/bin/ruby --version
> ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-23 patchlevel 110) [i686-linux]
> what's my best and easiest option:
> - rebuild 'new' ruby to /usr/bin ?
> - symlink new files to where old was ?

Neither; you may need to do nothing,
or change the #! line at the start of
your script, or if ruby uses the #!/bin/env trick,
possibly nothing to do.

> - or should I pick a new hobby ?

Are you kidding?!  What could be more fun than this?

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