On 26/11/2007, at 10:21 AM, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote:
I highly recommend to use

* sendmail
* milter-greylist http://hcpnet.free.fr/pubz/#milter-greylist
* clamav
* mimedefang (this runs spamassassin as well)
  this runs in the envelope AND data part.
this is better as most of the time the mail doesnt need to come down the pipe if spamassassin AND/OR mimedefang decided its crap

Considering the amount of mailing lists I am on with the email address I get only 2 or 3 spams a day and I can live with that.

I used mimedefang a while ago but found it didn't scale particularly well. THe company I worked for at the time was needing filter around 30,000 messages a day at a fairly constant rate over the entire 24 hour period. After some analysis it showed that filter a single message mimedefang (in our setup) was spawning 80+ separate processes (unique PID's). Obviously with that mail volume, even a fast server struggles.

In the end I settled on what I've proven time and again as ribust, scaleable and highly configurable mail filter setup:

* sendmail/exim (or postfix if you must)
* greylisting if you must, but I prefer RBL's at the MTA level.
* MailScanner (www.mailscanner.info) which wraps up spamassassin via API. It also filters against the entire mail (envelope+data) and it can use basically any virus scanner on the market that can run on *nix. My setup at home uses
  ClamAv, F-Prot, BitDefender AND AVG :P

Like Jobst, I too get <10 spams a day :)

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