
> but what I want to know is this................
> Has anyone interest in VirtualBox?  I have so much fun with it today that - 
> oh 
> damn I've run out of ex-whatitsnames, its' sooooooooo gooooooooood!
> But then again there's always questions. Has anyone surgically played with 
> this?
Yes I have played with it a lot in the last 12 months.  I reckon it is
the best - usual German efficiency and thoroughness.

The most interesting deploy was a server running CentOS 5 with VB
driving Windows Server 2003 in the background.  Totally invisible to
anyone accessing the Linux box but otherwise appearing to the MS boxes
as a Win2003 server running "aux naturelle".  This product blows me
away.  The doco's are good too.

The above deploy was the result of a customer ordering a Linux file
server and then after delivery, configuration and commit, decided that
they needed to run some Windows tax packages on the server.  So CentOS
does the file serving, backups, mail, web and server 2003 dribbles along
in VB in behind running the tax packages.  A bit strange but everyone is
happy and the whole thing is configured to start VB in the background
automatically on boot and then server 2003 auto starts.  It has been
three months and not a service call needed.

Rick Phillips

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