Alex Samad wrote:

I was wondering if any one has any recommendation for some interactive kids programmes for learning/playing that i can get for linux. I currently have a spare keyboard that the little bashes on, but I would like to have something happen on the screen as well and hopefully maybe learn some things as well?


My son loves Gcompris and childsplay (Both in the debian repos), he has been playing them since he was just over 2 (now 3). He has absolutely amazed me with what he was almost instantly able to do. He now plays games where he points the mouse and clicks on stuff (pretty kewl considering it took him about a week to master compared to my retired parents who still have mouse problems) and can now navigate through the programs, changing games when he gets bored. He also very quickly started enjoying a game where letters fall down the screen and you have to press them on the keyboard before they reach the bottom. He knows every letter of the alphabet since playing that game.

I also bought about 5 educational games for him to play which work perfectly under wine, but would you believe he went straight back to gcompris and childsplay, they keep his interest much more than the commercial stuff I bought, and on top of that, he gets far more education out of them.
They are very well thought out games which deserve a lot more recognition.

He also loves the wiggles website where he plays the flash games.

All this stuff may be for children a bit older than what you were asking for, but definitely good to keep in mind, just blink and they will be 3.

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