Have been running Kubuntu Hardy 8.40 beta for a while without any problems. It even set up my widescreen monitor properly without the need to install non-free NVidia driver.

Last week ( Wednesday I think) there was a large update ( about 115 pkgs) after which my system was screwed insofar as recognising/mounting drives/partitions. Both HDs are PATA drives.

Firstly IDE partitions were changed from /hdxX to /sdxx.

Secondly, my system no longer sees my 2nd hard drive ( 3 ext3 partitions plus 1 swap ). It doesn;'t show up anywhere.

Watching the boot process I see 3 lines that state:-

Unable to resolve : UUID xxxxxxxxxxxx

/var/logfsck/checkfs shows nothing relating to this drive.

I assume that these messages refer to the 3 ext3 partitions on the 2nd hard drive.

This drive mounts fine if I boot Mepis 7.0 LiveCD.

I've Googled and searched the various Forums without a solution. It seems to be a common problem, along with Hardy duplicating mount points on each reboot ( not in my case).

It also appears that many users believe that this is a "bug" in that developers did ot allow for multi-boot systems or for removing drives or repartitioning or resizing partitions.

There seems to be no solution at this time - at leas none that I can find.

Previous to this "update" I had entries in /media for all of my partitions, but now it seems that this Directory is no longer used, and the entries are incorrect anyway, the system nowusing /sdxx instead of /hdxx.

/etc/fstab now only shows partitios for 1st HD.

In /dev/ there are /disk/by-id, /disk/by-path and /disk/by-uuid

Both HDs show in /disk/by-id

/disk/by-path only has entries for the first HD.

/disk/by-uuid only has entries for the first HD.

As the 2nd HD is apparently not found during the boot process I assume that is why it is not in /disk/by-path or /disk/by-uuid, and that the entries in /disk/by-id remain from before the "update"

As the 2nd HD is not accessible from the system I can't even check its UUIDs, nor am I able to access it from the Kubuntu Hardy LiveCD or from a 2nd install to the 1st HD.


1) if I remove the 2nd HD ( /hdb, or /sdb as it now will be) and attach it as /sdc will it be recognised and given new UUIDs?

2) If I boot from a LiveCD and check the HDs UUIDS ( using say blkid) can I then use these UUIDs to fix my system somehow, or will the UUIDS change with the use of the LiveCD?

3) Do the UUIDS change when the HD is accessed from a different distro/installation ( ie multi-boot system with shared HD for data)?

4) are the UUIDS stored anywhere other than in /dev/disk/by-UUID?

I had trouble with UUID once before when I resized/repartiioned a drive, but I fixed that OK. This problem is not related to anything being changed in the PC other than updating the packages.

Any help/links appreciated.


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