since you've professed a renewed confidence, this may be quite moot, but you
can always look at mod_security which will, amongst other things, stop the
directory traversal attacks which you have been suffering from.

Here's an article you may be interested in

On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 5:33 PM, Rick Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 14:01 +1000, Michael Chesterton wrote:
> > On 17/04/2008, at 6:09 AM, Rick Phillips wrote:
> > >
> > > !!!! 1 possible successful probes
> > >     /long_path_to_file/../../../etc/passwd HTTP Response 200
> > >
> > > With the environment (described above) in place, should I be
> > > worried or
> > > should I be confident that I have taken every precaution I can take?
> > >
> >
> > I would be a little concerned if they can download /etc/passwd, they
> > could
> > download a more sensitive file.  Have you tried to download passwd
> > yourself?
> > does it actually work?
> >
> > What's your DocumentRoot, out of curiosity?
> >
> Thanks to all who have replied and reinforced my confidence in what I
> have been doing.
> I don't have much gold but I have been through the pain of having my
> server hacked twice in quick succession some years ago when I was wetter
> behind the ears.  Those events alone caused me to be somewhat paranoid.
> The server in question is a small commercial server but I maintain
> several others following the same rules I have outlined in my original
> email.  It is not convenient for me to have to restore from any backups
> as some sites are inconeniently too far away.
> I do like one respondent said, keep mirror a image on a spare disk and
> when I was hacked that got me up again in minutes but this is not always
> convenient, especially when sites and email accounts change frequently.
> I think the exclusion of all connectivity except for a single IP address
> is my greatest protection along with frequently changing complex
> passwords and a non standard port.
> I was looking also to see if anyone had something to offer that I had
> not thought of but I am resting much easier now.
> Thanks again to all who responded.
> Rick
> --
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